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How To Get Red Wine Out Of Carpet

How To Get Red Wine Out Of Carpet

Red wine spilling on your carpet can be quite heart-wrenching.

It leaves behind a stain that ordinary carpet or rug cleaners can’t treat.

So how do you bring your old carpet back?

3 Diamonds Carpet Clean has just the solution for you.

Learn how to get red wine out of carpet.

Contact us to help you out with a tougher stain.

What Carpet Cleaner Solutions You Will Need

  • Baking Soda to make the stain easier to come off
  • Vacuum cleaner to remove dust
  • An old piece of cloth for blotting
  • Water to make the wine soluble and thus easily removable
  • A magic material to remove the stain, such as salt, white wine, dishwashing soap, or a chemical such as a hydrogen peroxide

Various Methods to Remove Red Wine Stains

The quicker you attack your red wine stain, the easier it will be for you to put in less effort in its removal.

If immediate action is not possible because you have guests over or any other commitment, we suggest doing this two-minute hack that will make your life easier.

Sprinkle a bit of salt on the stain and spritz it with water.

Leave the salt in to do the rest of the job for you.

This prevents the red-wine stain from setting on your carpet permanently.

Another key point to be mindful of for how to get red wine out of carpet is to always use cold water instead of warm water.

Warm water does not work effectively work unless you are using the vinegar method because it makes the stain more permanent into the fibers of the carpet.

Method 1: Have Fun With Baking Soda

This method works wonders to remove red wine from your carpet.

  • The first thing you will need to do is to remove excess liquid.
  • For this, we suggest blotting the stain with an old piece of cloth.
  • Next up, try to dissolve the stain, so it wrenches away from the carpet fibers.
  • Put in water to achieve this and continue blotting.
  • Follow by applying a very thick layer of your baking soda solution mixed with one part water and three parts soda.
  • Allow the paste a good twenty minutes to set within so that the baking soda slowly starts to disappear, leaving behind a few white flakes on the carpet.
  • Your stain would have disappeared by now.
  • To remove the white debris, vacuum up the spot, and voila, you have your carpet clean again.

Method 2:  White Wine To The Rescue

No method works better than this one.

What better way than to use white to eliminate the red?

  • To start with, we suggest blotting the area so that the stain has been soaked up by the old piece of cloth.
  • Continue by pouring a sizable amount of white wine into the area so that it tries to react with the red stain.
  • The wine should totally cover the stained area.
  • Continue your blotting efforts until the stain starts disappearing.
  • If it does not budge, we suggest using baking soda on the area for a few minutes.
  • Proceed by blotting the area after diluting it with water, and your carpet will look as good as it was.

Method 3: Vinegar Is A Wizard

Vinegar can be your savior if you are in a hurry and want a quick fix.

That is because vinegar is readily available at your home, so you will not need to run to the supply store.

  • Blotting is quite a must since the stain needs to have dissolved in water and be made easier to remove.
  • Pour a vinegar solution on the stain.
  • The vinegar solution can be made by pouring a tablespoon into two cups of warm water and not cold one because the chemical in vinegar can tone down the impact of warm water on the stain.
  • Dab onto the stain with a clean piece of cloth.
  • The stain would have started to disappear.
  • Afterward, proceed with your dishwashing solution and carry out the blotting process again.
  • Use a damp cloth to rid yourself of any excess soap residue.
  • Do blotting again, and the stain will fade out.

Method 4: Hydrogen Peroxide To Make It Disappear

  • As with the other methods, start with blotting the stain.
  • Proceed with the hydrogen peroxide and spray it onto the stain.
  • Use careful amounts of the chemical because it bleaches the carpet and can cause discoloration, so use only on white carpets.
  • Next up, put baking soda on the area and let it work for about a few minutes.
  • After the baking soda has acted upon the stain, vacuum away the excess white residue.
  • Blot once again and then clean with a dry piece of cloth.
  • The stain would have disappeared.

Looking For A Rug Cleaning Company In Fort Lauderdale?

The damage done by your red wine stain may not be as permanent as you think.

It can be easily reserved.

If you are seeking professionals to help you with the stain, then 3 Diamonds Carpet Clean has your back.

We provide the best carpet cleaning services at affordable rates.

Get in touch with us today.

For more information on how to get red wine out of carpet, watch this video.

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